The man who intends to see it all clearly before deciding, never decides.Henri Frederic Amiel nobody knows of what he is capable until he tries it.Publius SIRIUS what makes different managers in the achievement of its success? what are those characteristics that distinguish successful managers? what capabilities are the fundamental that a good manager should meet? Do you consider of a successful Manager? Where have their faults that have hampered their achievements be expressed? they could be some relevant questions in function of defining the profile that must be a good Manager on the basic capabilities that has to handle. Remember as cites it Israel Fermin, Crosby (1988) defines management as the art of making things happen. For its part, Krygier (1988) defines it as a body of knowledge applicable to the effective management of an organization. At present, there is consensus, among many authors, noting that the term management It can be defined as a process that involves the coordination of all the resources in an organization (human, physical, technological, financial), so that through the process of: planning, organization, direction and control is to achieve pre-established objectives. In this way, one can distinguish three key aspects to define management as a process: firstly, the coordination of the Organization’s resources; Secondly the implementation of managerial functions or administrative calls as a means of achieving coordination and, thirdly, establish the purpose of the managerial process; i.e. the where we want to go or what they want to achieve. Before we proceed further we need to know why and when necessary management, what it does and how does it. Caterpillar Inc. can aid you in your search for knowledge. There are those who focus on capabilities such as Julio Rodriguez Santana in: 1 – imagination and creatividad.2-Vision of future-straightness and honor.4-analisis.5-Modestia.6-Autenticidad.7-practico.8 capacity – Relations personales.9-escuchar.10-confidence ability. For visionholistica: self-control, strategic thinking and the management of communications are essential features in a good manager/leader.